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Showing posts from November, 2017

Short Drama "The Firefighters"

Heyyaaaa fellas! lol, this's actually not my style to greeting peeps ya, but since I read some bloggers did it, I try it too *shyshy* Okay, today I wanna post one of my old-school-tasks that I got and wrote when I was in Junior High School. This was a very short drama from English Language class. I didn't check and change it yet, so pardon my bad grammar. Enjoy reading and imagining! Photo by Google The Firefighters (Kania is sitting on the corner chair. Read a newspaper seriously. And then, Zikra and Dyla come to Kania’s bedroom.) Dyla    : “ Excuse me!”   ~showing attentition~ Zikra    : “Assalamu’alaikum” Kania   : “Wa’alaikumsalam” (Kania still read the newspaper seriously) Zikra    : “Hi! What are you doing? You look so serious” Kania   : “Hmm..” Dyla    : “Don’t you see? She is reading magazine” Zikra    : “I know. But, it’s a newspaper Dyla” Dyla    : “Magazine!” Zikra    : “Newspaper” Kania   : “Ssssttt!” (put her index finger at her

How I Can Improve My Writing Skills

If other students of English Department was trying to improve their writing skills because the demand of this major, I have other reason that I called hobby. Yes, writing is one of my hobbies. I like writing to communicate with other people better then speak it out loud. This article isn't supposed to be my diary about how I could like writing but how I can improve my writing skill. Two of my writing lecturers have ever said the same thing, it probably sounds; "writing skill can be improved by practice writing itself". I do agree with this statement. There's no better way to improve our writing besides do write as much as we can. So in my planning to improve my writing skill, I put ‘more practices’ as the main way and the first step. I’ll spend most of my free times to write and write. The second step is learning as much knowledge about how to be a good writer and how to write a good paragraph. These two topics actually have been given in Indonesian Language Su

Balai Bahasa Provinsi Riau

Balai Bahasa Provinsi Riau. Taken in 2017 Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa is a supporting element in the Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia (Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia) which generally has  the duty and function of developing and protecting in the field of Language and Literature. In carrying out its duties, Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa is assited by 22 Technical Implementation Units, commonly called Balai Bahasa. Balai Bahasa spread throughout all provinces in Indonesia. In Riau Province, there is one Technical Implemetation Unit that located at Campus Bina Widya, Universitas Riau, Panam, Pekanbaru. Based on decision of Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Repulik Indonesia number 226/01/1999 dated 23 September 1999, established 14 additional Technical Implementation Units, one of them is Balai Bahasa Provinsi Riau. The duties and core functions of Balai Bahasa Provinsi Riau itself are the same as those of other Balai