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Short Drama "The Firefighters"

Heyyaaaa fellas!
lol, this's actually not my style to greeting peeps ya, but since I read some bloggers did it, I try it too *shyshy*
Okay, today I wanna post one of my old-school-tasks that I got and wrote when I was in Junior High School. This was a very short drama from English Language class. I didn't check and change it yet, so pardon my bad grammar. Enjoy reading and imagining!

Photo by Google
The Firefighters
(Kania is sitting on the corner chair. Read a newspaper seriously. And then, Zikra and Dyla come to Kania’s bedroom.)
Dyla    : “Excuse me!”  ~showing attentition~
Zikra    : “Assalamu’alaikum”
Kania   : “Wa’alaikumsalam” (Kania still read the newspaper seriously)
Zikra    : “Hi! What are you doing? You look so serious”
Kania   : “Hmm..”
Dyla    : “Don’t you see? She is reading magazine”
Zikra    : “I know. But, it’s a newspaper Dyla”
Dyla    : “Magazine!”
Zikra    : “Newspaper”
Kania   : “Ssssttt!” (put her index finger at her mouth and then read the newspaper again)
Zikra    : “Uups! Sorry”
Dyla    : “It’s a magazine, Zikra” (wishpered)
Zikra    : “Sssttt!”
Dyla    : “Ok, I know.”
Zikra and Dyla follow Kania, they read the newspaper seriously. When they are reading, Dhea comes and cries.
Dhea    : “Huhuhuhuhu” (cry)
Kania, Zikra and Dyla: “What happen Dhea?”
Dhea    : “My house.. huuhuhuh
Kania   : “Your house? What happen?”
Dhea    : “huhuL.. my house is . . .”
Zikra    : “Stop! Please sit down here”
(Dhea sit down on a chair, side of Kania.)
 Zikra   : “Dyla, can you give Dhea a glass of water?”
Dyla    : “Why not?!, ok.”
Kania   : “Wait! Let me take it!” ~showing attention~
(Kania exit from the room. And then, come with a glass of water.)
Kania   : “Let’s drink it, Dhea!”
Dhea    : “Thank you Kania.”
Kania   : “You’re welcome.”
(Dhea drink it)
Dyla    : “Okay. Now, tell us what was happening?”
Dhea    : “My house was fire five minutes ago”
Zikra    : “Sorry, what did you say?” ~asking repetition~
Dhea    : “My house was fire L
Dyla    : “Are you sure, Dhea?” ~question for certaint or uncertaint~
Dhea    : “I don’t know. But, when I went to house, I saw my house had been fire and many people ware there.” ~giving uncertainty~
Kania   : “Please make a sure, Dhea”
Dhea    : “I don’t know” ~uncertainty~
Zikra    : “But, I’m not sure it, friends!” ~uncertainty~
Dhea, Kania, Dyla: “Why?”
Zikra    : “Come here and let’s see it! It’s Dhea’s house, and there’s not something wrong” ~showing attention~
Dhea    : “But, I saw it…”
Dyla    : “Stop Dhea! I think that you make a mistake. Don’t worry!”
Kania   : “Are you sure Zikra, Dyla?”
Dyla and Zikra: “We are really really sure!” ~giving certainty~
Dhea    : “Oh my god! Thank you so much Zikra!”
Zikra    : “Don’t say thanks to me, but say thanks to Allah J
Dhea    : “Alhamdulillah, thanks God! J
Zikra    : “I think that you saw security post side of yours”
Kania   : “Hi! Look at that! The firefighters come” ~attention~
Dyla    : “Waw! They are very impressivce for me!” ~showing admiration~
Kania   : “Huhft!. Let’s sit again! I wanna continue to read my newspaper”
Zikra    : “Ok. Come on!”
            (Dyla, Zikra, Dhea and Kania read the newspaper again)
Kania   : “Oh! Let’s see it!” ~showing attention~
Dhea    : “Why?”
Kania   : “In this article is written that three of fire fighters were dead because of firing”
Zikra    : “And also more than fifthteen firefighters had bad injured. Astagfirullah!”
Dyla    : “The incident was on two weeks ago, on August 25th
Dhea    : “Where was it?”
Kania   : “It was at Bandung, West Java”
Zikra    : “No Kania, it was at Bekasi, West Java”
Kania   : “I’m sorry”
Zikra    : “No problem”
Dhea    : “What unlucky men they are!” ~admiration~
Dyla    : “Sometimes, I feel bad for their destiny”
Kania   : “Why do you say like that?”
Dyla    : “Cause most of people don’t appreciate what they have done”
Zikra    : “I think so” ~certaint~
Dhea    : “People just can say that they are slower, bad man, and always come late. Actually in our life, it is wrong!. The fire fighter always try to come on time. They are willing to lose their life for their job.”
Kania   : “But, as we know, sometimes they come late, and sometime too late”
Zikra    : “Their job is full of danger. May Allah bless them, Insya Allah J
Kania   : “Yes, all right. Amiin.”
Dhea and Dyla: “AmiinJJ
Dhea    : “By the way, I wanna go home friends. Bye, See you tomorrow.”
Zikra, Kania and Dyla: “See you too JJJ

(Dhea exit from the room. Kania, Dyla and Zikra continue read the newspaper)


  1. I love you story zikra... it is very nice👍

    1. Aww I really thank you for visiting my blog, Zahra! It's nice to know you love the story. I would be more glad if you find any mistake and give me suggestions for me, I know there are so many things that have to get its fixing. once again, thank you^^

  2. wohooo that *shyshy* at the beginning tho..

    1. Aww I didn't notice your visiting before, thanks anw whehehe that isn't "twice" influence tho, just wanna inform u sih😂


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