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Is It Necessary to Limit Internet Access for Students?

 Internet was only used by certain circles in the early days of its development. But now, our society is almost impossible to separate from the internet, including in students circle. The Internet provides various services that can be accessed by students, yet not all services suitable for them. Moreover, it raises the pros and cons among parents and teachers about limiting students' internet access. Besides of internet’s infeasible information and services to students, limiting internet access for students is considered necessary to do because some people see the internet as one of a major barrier for students’ achievements in school. Yet, limiting the internet access for students is not appropriate at all due to the finding’s results that said internet does not affect students’ prior knowledge and the advantages of the internet itself.
            First of all, accessing the internet will not affect students’ prior knowledge. Therefore, the limitation will not be necessary at all if the reason to do it is the students’ achievement. According to a research that was conducted in Bangkok by Susphasawat, accessing the internet was not indicated as learning obstacles and students’ basic skill such as reading, spelling, and math solving cannot be affected prior and after do searching on the internet (Susphasawat, 18). In the other words, the internet is not one of these things that can make students’ achievement downgrade directly.
            The second reason why limitation of internet accessing for students is not necessary to do comes from the advantages of the internet itself. As we know, the internet offers a slightly faster access of information when we compared to printed information. Recently, the society’s need for electronic information is growing up day by day. Internet becomes the largest information source for students and also their professor because it can be accessed freely and easily whenever and wherever we are (Reza, 191-192). There are also e-Library and e-Book that allow a student to do a comparison for their material in such subject and get as many sources as they need in their study without a physical presence in that information centers or hold the printed information by the hands. Consequently, the restriction of internet access can make students hardly gather and compare information in order to get more knowledge or perhaps, do their assignments.
            The third one comes from the psychological field. Students are still adolescents. They often do things that seem stupid and contrary to the given rules. This happens because it is the normal nature of adolescents. They have high curiosity and also tendency to do things that are forbidden to them and become more curious if there is no explanation of why the given sections are forbidden. “Some teens have a history of consistently breaking rules of behavior at home, at school, or in the community as they repeatedly engage in delinquent behaviors (Schmidt, 470).” It is suggested then, instead of limiting their access to the internet, talking about access it and its consequences if they do not access the proper information is more recommended. Doing some discussion will help the students learn how much risk they gain if they break the rules. But this step should not be too strict and seem to be a banned for their activities so they do not encourage to rebel. In addition, after making a set of rules and its consequences as a step of prevention and protection, do the next step to controlling the students whether they follow the rules or not in using the internet.
            In summary, we could not stop the expansion of internet extensively and make restrictions for students in accessing it. So limiting it is not necessary anymore by reason of there is no evidence that accessing the internet will affect students’ prior knowledge and achievement directly and also its beneficial aspects that help students performing tasks and finding their own learning materials in an easy and cheaper way. Moreover, restrictions on teenage students will not make them stop using the internet even they are told to do so because their nature of mental development will force them to challenge their own self in breaking the rules. “Teenagers need to explore their own limits and abilities, as well as the boundaries you set (Raising Children Network).” Therefore, instead of limiting their access to the internet, we can do preventing the unwanted issues and keep on eyes to catch up control to their activities on the internet.

Susphasawat, Aouyporn, et al. “The Study of Internet Use and Academic Achievement of
Elementary Students in Bangkok.” Journal of Educational and Developmental
Psychology, col. 6, no. 2, 2016, pp. 71-84., doi:10.5539/jedp.v6n2p71.
Soleimani, Mohammad, et al. “The Effect of the Internet addiction on the Information-Seeking
The behavior of the Postgraduate Students.” Materia Socio Medica, vol. 28, no.3, 2016, pp.
191 – 195., doi:10.5455/msm.2016.28.191-195.
Schmidt, Susan R., et al. “Understanding and Treating Adolescents With Illegal Sexual
Behavior.” Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse, Apr. 2011, pp. 469–485.,

“Risky behavior in teenagers: how to handle it” Rising Children Network, July 2017, Retrieved



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