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Why Don’t Women Hold More Managerial Positions?

Women's emancipation campaigns have been promoted since the 16th century and became very popular around the world in the 20th century. This eventually resulted in the equality of women's rights such as voting rights, the right to education, and even a leadership position in the world of work. Although gender equality has been accepted and spread in social life, based on data from Catalyst, a global nonprofit institution which works to build workplaces that work for women, women held only 12% of the world’s board seats in 2015 that means women participate in the labor force remains almost 30% less than men do. Nowadays women's growth in top management positions is increasing indeed, but at a slower rate. This occurs due to issues related to women in the world of work such as societal perceptions, psychological predispositions, and biological aspects.
The first factor that leads the small number of women who hold managerial positions is societal perceptions. There is a perception in society that although feminism allows women to work, they should not occupy leadership positions because their nature as women is under and led by men. If the stereotype can be deflected, another challenge will arise. Career women are required to be able to balance in maintaining the two aspects of work and family. Both of them will ask for priority and often, a woman will end up having to leave their careers for the family. This still leads to a future stereotype, that women are not "ideal leaders" because of their limitations on a career path and freedom of career due to family maintaining.
The second one comes from psychological dispositions. Some experts argue about the theory of queen bees on which women tend to have in a crucial position in their work. They tend to be afraid of competing and risking their positions by promoting other career women and some are more likely want to remain unique in their working environments thus eliminating solidarity among fellow career women (April, 55-56). This then affects the number of women's acceptance to occupy leadership positions because it is considered to have a baseless sentiment that is rarely owned by men.
Another factor that is significantly influencing this issue is the biological aspect. A married career woman has many ‘special’ leave entitlements, for instance, wedding leave, maternity leave, postpartum leave and minor leave such as having to take a child's report card at school and attend a parent's meeting. These are certainly very disturbing especially for a person who occupied the leadership position. Furthermore, it will be a lot of time spent by career women to take care of these leave so it is highly possible to neglect all her work in the office.
In conclusion, although feminism has been publicly acknowledged, there is still an ingrained stereotype that indirectly discriminates the role of women in their own societies. Women are indeed allowed to work, but not to be a leader. Moreover, they are considered as a non-ideal type to be a leader because of their tendency and unfounded sentiment, still many ‘special leave’ that could interrupt their job as well. On the other hand, women are actually able and legitimate to be a leader, but there will be enough things that they will sacrifice for the sake of continuity of their career, one of which is the family.
April, Kurt, et al. “Gender Impediments to the South African Executive Boardroom.” South
African Journal of Labour Relations, vol. 31, no. 2, 2007, pp. 51–67. 2,
Richards, Sam, and Paul Saba. “Woman's Emancipation.” Communist Federation of Britain
(Marxist-Leninist), Encyclopedia of Anti-Revisionism On-Line, 12 Sept. 2015,
 Catalyst, Quick Take: Statistical Overview of Women in the Workplace (August 11, 2017).


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